Friday's Fancies: pretty in pastels

It seems like yesterday I first found out about the idea of Friday's Fancies and here I am today, presenting yet another set created by me. When a few days ago I found out in advance what this week's challenge is going to be, I actually squealed with excitement. Whenever I dress up, I tend to go for less vivid colours- at the very moment it's virtually impossible for me to imagine myself following the whole color blocking craze. Therefore, pastels seem to be a perfect trend for me. Not to mention that light pink is one of my favourite colours and I think it suits my skin tone very well.
Pretty in Pastels 1

I don't think it should be a novelty to you that I decided to go for a feminine dress instead of a girly top paired with leggings or pastel skinny jeans, which are totally in this season. Just two years ago I was your average teenage girl, wearing skinnies with fancy tunics on a daily basis. When I first met a girl who had a habit of wearing dresses and skirts regardless of the season, a thought crossed my mind that it's absolutely crazy and I had no idea how she could bear with that in winter. Right now I got to the point where I officially took her place and I find creating an outfit including any sort of trousers totally problematic. It's incredible how one's style can evolve over a relatively short period of time and you might be drawn to something you would've never thought about before. That's why I'm both anxious and excited to see where the road of self-discovery leads me. For now a palette of greys, beiges and pinks is my absolute number one.

The set above is something I would definitely wear. I've been racking my brains trying to come up with something to accessorize it with and then the lovely Furla bag popped into my head. Believe it or not, I haven't heard of Furla for a long time, it wasn't until I got to visit enchanting Venice and came across one of their boutiques. The atmosphere inside was fantastic- I immediately felt at home and have been in love with the brand ever since.

What are your opinions on pastels, have you been carried away by the trend? What are your favourite pastel items and which colours do you usually go for?

xoxo, Dominika.
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