2011 Highlights

(Source: google)

Whether we like it or not, 2012 is just around the corner. Before we start setting off fireworks and sparklers, popping champagne and wishing each other a Happy New Year, I decided to sit down and summarize 2011 in a couple of sentences and photos.

While I have noticed many people being dissatisfied with 2011 and hoping for a better upcoming year, I can undoubtedly say I'm grateful for everything that happened to me throughout these 12 months. At the same time I'm really excited to see what 2012 brings, beginning with Friday, which is my 18th birthday... I will be entering adulthood in style!

First of all, I certainly developed my passion for travelling. This year I went on three wonderful trips, saw a number of incredible places and met some inspiring people. Let's begin with my trip to Italy in May, which definitely was an unforgettable experience. For me, a person whose main role model in life is Audrey Hepburn, being able to walk down the same streets she did with Gregory Peck in 'Roman Holiday' was a source of inspiration.

Then, in June, I visited Slovakia and the amazing Polish mountains, where despite my lack of scouting skills, I managed to climb to the top of this mountain- 1152 metres above the sea level. We spent our days wandering around the town, cooling off in clear mountain streams and relaxing in Slovakian thermal pools. However, I have recently come across a bunch of photos from that trip and I was planning to make a separate post about it.... so I'll leave it here.

At the end of July, I set out to visit my family in Germany.  It was beyond amazing to spend some quality time with people I don't get to see on a daily basis, organise short road trips, throw barbecue parties in the backyard and practise my (unfortunately, still basic) language skills among native speakers. In addition, it turned out they have impressive end-of-season sales.... what's not to love?

This year also gifted me with new friendships, which will hopefully appear to be long-lasting ones.

'The world comes to life and everything's bright
from beginning to end when you have a friend by your side
that helps you to find the beauty you are, when you open your heart and believe in the gift of a friend...'

This song is, in my opinion, a pure definition of friendship. William F. Halsey once said: 'All problems become smaller if you don't dodge them, but confront them'. I can undoubtedly say I managed to do that with the help of my friends and I ended up being much stronger.

Last but not least, the road of self-discovery brought me where I am right now- the community of fashion bloggers, constantly evolving and defining my style. Those 8 months I spent with you have been a wonderful and unforgettable time. I'm thankful for every single reader and comment, you give meaning to this whole blogging experience of mine. All I can say is, I hope that it will keep getting better and better with each passing day. There is something I would like to achieve in 2012 and I have already made some plans, so keep your fingers crossed!

Happy New Year to all of you, may this upcoming year be full of joy & love. It's the time of new beginnings and I hope 2012 will be filled with success so that you can make your innermost dreams come true!

Let the party begin!
xoxo, Dominika.

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